Dasho Ugen Dorji, one of the pioneers of Private Sector development in Bhutan started his early life as a humble person serving at the Royal Palace of His Majesty the Third Druk Gyalpo. In early 70’s when Bhutan opened its door for industrialization, Dasho started his business endeavor with mining of dolomite at Kalishwar mines under Phuentsholing and Lhaki General Stores, a trading house in Thimphu. A decade after, Lhaki Construction was established, which as one of the first civil construction firms considerably contributing towards the development of unyielding infrastructure in the kingdom. Dasho on his own and in association with other prominent entrepreneurs was instrumental in promoting successful business enterprises in Mining, Manufacturing, and Services. Being an enthusiastic promoter, he further embarked into Tourism industry and lately into Information Technology. The noble undertakings of Dasho have significantly contributed towards addressing of unemployment situation and enhancing of royal government’s drive towards the growth of socio-economic development of the nation. Dasho also occupied important positions at national levels as Speaker of the National Assembly of Bhutan and President of Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In recognition of his dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum and immense contribution towards the economic development of the country Dasho was awarded the Red Scarf by His Majesty th 5th Druk Gyelpo on 17th December 2011.