The global awareness of environmental protection and its  management has been well acknowledged by Lhaki Cement in whatsoever small way  it could contribute. The very existence of the plant in lush green surroundings  has encouraged Lhaki Cement to preserve the natural ecosystem with minimum  environmental impacts.

In pursuance of excellence in housekeeping and clean  ambient environment, Lhaki Cement has invested substantial financial resources  in installing air pollution control equipment and maintaining the rich flora  around the factory premises.

Lhaki Cement also has set up an Environment  Cell that constantly monitors ambient air quality and fully implementation of  all environmental norms.


To  Ensure:

  • Clean, green and healthy environment
  • Effective use of natural resources, energy , plant and  equipment
  • Reduction in emissions, noise, waste and green house  gases
  • Continual improvement in environment management
  • Comply all the norms of NEC and other relevant  environmental legislations


The  deterioration in ambient air quality is one of the most predominant  environmental hazards for cement plant. The stack emissions and fugitive  emissions are primarily responsible for the deterioration of air quality in the  immediate vicinity of working place.
However,  the Lhaki Cement has  always set its priority in areas of environmental quality management. Our efforts  in meeting the stringent requirement of environmental norms of the present day  can be witnessed from the incorporation of wide range of pollution control  equipment that are operating at their efficiency level under the upgraded and  modernized version of the plant.


  • The Environmental Cell of  Lhaki Cement is also having Environmental Impact  Assessment (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Waste reduction, reuse  and recycle and further adoption of Eco-friendly clean technologies.
  • Water conservation  awareness
  • Daily monitor Air quality
  • Restoration of mined  areas
  • Mass cleaning  camping 
  • New tree plantation
  • Provide Jaggery, Dust Filters/Masks, Liveries and other Protective Wear from time to time.


We at Lhaki cement are committed to continual improvement in health, safety and welfare of all its employees and those under its influence in the neighbourhood and community at large.  We recognise its moral and legal responsibilities under occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation to provide a safe and healthy work environment.

To achieve this goal during duty hours, we will:

  • Provide a safe and healthy work place and working conditions for all, including employees, contractors, customers and visitors
  • Provide training to enable all employees to work safely
  • Provide adequate resources to aid employees in fulfilling their responsibilities during duty hours
  • Consult with staffs and contractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures
  • Comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards
  • Provide support and assistance to employees
  • Conduct investigations to all reported incidents
  • Ensure that proper work programme is in place
  • Conduct regular review and evaluations of the health and safety system in place
  • Committed to the continual improvement of our occupational health and safety performance through effective objectives, targets and programmes
  • Working towards a culture of safety and accident- free work place at all times.

Employees are expected to do:

While at work, all employees irrespective of their position will:

  • Take reasonable care to ensure that good health and safety procedures are implemented at all times
  • Identify and support measures to eliminate or minimise unsafe working conditions
  • Assume personal responsibility of their own safety and for other working colleagues by always operating in a safe manner.
  • Encourage other workers to work in a healthy and safe manner
  • Report or rectify any unsafe conditions that comes to their attention
  • Always keep the records of daily performance and submit to the sectional heads.